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Junior Girl Scout Robotics Badge 3

The final badge in the set begins with the second part of the Engineering Design Process. The badges are set up so that they build on each other so you can not really complete badge 3 without first completing badges 1 and 2. Just as with the Brownie Robotics Badge 3, the Junior badge has girls share their robot designs with their peers. This could be done through an exhibition for just the troop or as our troop will do, we will invite families to arrive early for pick up and girls will present their robot designs and talk about the engineering process.

The second half of the badge is just like the Brownie badge. So instead of looking at Junior First Lego League, you should check out First Lego League (FLL) which is a program for kids in grades 4 through 8. As a former FLL coach, I love the FIRST program which is why it is my default program to plug when I read the badge instructions. You might also have VEX Robotics competitions depending on your location. I would suggest checking to see if your local council has a FLL team, ours partnered with FIRST to form several teams or check with your local middle school and see if they have a team who could demonstrate some robotics fun. Here is a list of robotics competitions by age group.

Here are a couple videos from robotics competitions to check out what they are all about.

I shared these links for virtual tours of Robotics Labs with the brownie badge but they are applicable for both levels.

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